Upcoming Audiovisual Arts - March & April 2016

Upcoming Audiovisual Arts - March & April 2016

DOC Nomads, Televisionism Symposium, Sidney Leoni, Zéro de Conduite, Nina de Vroome, Rachel Reupke + Black Box Screenings

image: Jef Cornelis - Vlaanderen in vogelvlucht (1976) as part of: Televisionism Symposium (16/03).

For more information, guest tickets, etc... pleas contact Yasmina Boudia ([email protected] I 02 550 03 62). 

Wednesday 9 March 20:30 - The World in Brussels DOC NOMADS I free - read more
For this evening, a selection of specific short works will be shown, as well as final graduation documentaries.

The DOC NOMADS Joint Master Degree in Documentary Filmmaking is a two-year, full-time international graduate program provided by a consortium of three prominent European universities in three countries: Portugal, Hungary and Belgium. About twenty-five students from around the world follow a mobility track from Lisbon to Brussels (LUCA School of Arts), via Budapest. Students are immersed in different cultural environments, learning how to use their abilities outside their usual social contexts.
The DOC NOMADS programme combines the focus on the arts with contemporary practices in film production.
Miguel Lopez Beraza - Portraying Jan Peeters (9'53'') / Nayeem Mahbub - Continental Drift (7'15'') / Naser Dina - one minute (10') / Arumpac Alyx - News from the Garden (6') /  Anna Savchenko - I am not here (27') / Emmanuel Agyapong - Uitgang (08'15'') / Christopher Patz - Inflate/exhale (12:32)

Wednesday 16 March - 13:00-20:00 - Argos & Beursschouwburg present: Televisionism Symposium I €13/10 - read more 

During 35 years BRTN/VRT director Jef Cornelis directed more than 200 films, including films on modern art, architecture, landscape and a variety of socio-cultural issues. His films are neither fictional nor documentary reports, but aim more for a form of essay. Inside the White Tube which takes place at Argos – Centre for Art and Media, Cinematek proposes a series of screenings of the work of Jef Cornelis entitles Jef Cornelis 164-1997. These screenings will take place in the course of February.
During the month of March, a reflective programme, curated by prof. dr. Bart Verschaffel, who collaborated with Cornelis on several films, will be presented in different cities (Ghent, Antwerp, Kortrijk and Liège).
This programme, that is given the working title 111 hours, 31 minutes and 19 seconds of television, will culminate in Beursschouwburg during a symposium where not only the relevance of Cornelis’ work for Belgian television will be discussed but where his oeuvre will also be put in an international context.

Fr 25 & Sa 26 March 20:30 - Sidney Leoni (FR) - Under Influence Belgian première I €8/5 - read more 

Although we are familiar with Sidney Leoni as a performance artist, this time he has decided to create a full-length film. Under Influence is a portrait of the mysterious and psychotic journey of the actress, Julia Gordon. She employs all the powers of her imagination to turn that imagination into reality, breaking away from her everyday life.
Frustrated by the character that she is playing in the film, Being Kate Winslet, Julia Gordon finds solace in interpreting charismatic classical film characters, who gradually take control of her.
Under Influence is a labyrinth of real and naturalistic events, of clashes between the real world and a fictitious world, of imaginary and fantastic situations, of the desires and fantasies that reveal her dreams to us. Do not miss this visual, auditive and physical journey about identity and cinema!

Thursday 7 April 20:30 - Zéro de Conduite #5 I €8/5 - read more 

Zéro de Conduite supports, produces and presents the work of documentary filmmakers Gerard-Jan Claes, Elias Grootaers and Olivia Rochette. The name is a reference to Jean Vigo’s eponymous film made in 1933, a lyrical ode to youthful rebellion.
Programme to be confirmed.

Thursday 14 April 20:30 - Nina de Vroome (BE) - A Sea Change avant-premiere I €8/5 - read more 

A Sea Change takes its audience to the IBIS maritime boarding school in Oostende. In the buildings that looks out towards the sea, boys from six to sixteen sleep, eat and play. They learn how to read the sea, sail with a fishing boat and help haul in the catch. While the fishermen are at work, they observe the by-catch and stare across the deck. In the classrooms, the impetuous sea is captured in maps. On sea maps, there are no storms and there is no time.
The sea might seem timeless, but much is changing. The coast is permeated with nostalgia, as if the sea had turned its face to the past. Sooner or later the fishing fleet will disappear, together with many endangered species of fish. The fish auction hall of Oostende is in decay, the harbour coated in rust. Nonetheless, a new colour is appearing from underneath the peeling paint. 

Friday 22 April 20:30 - Letter of Complaint & other works by Rachel Reupke (GB) I €8/5 read more 

This screening proposes a survey of British artist Rachel Reupke’s moving image works, including the Belgian premiere of Letter of Complaint, which draws on a combination of banal and desperate letters of complaint, in order to communicate something that could perhaps even be called celebratory. Letter of Complaint expands on Reupke’s ongoing interest in the expressive properties of stock images and the ways in which – when coupled with stillness and awkwardness – they respond and transform.
In Reupke’s work, there is often something slightly off. Whilst in earlier pieces, videos which almost looked like paintings, something small would happen that the viewer might not even notice, in recent years her work has turned to exploring the uneasiness of human relations: from the struggle to be heard to the uncanny conventions around social interactions such as drinking, dating and domestic arrangements.

Black Box Looped Screenings (video art) - We - Sa: noon - 22:00 - free 

  • 9 March - 19 March: Rebecca Baron (US) Detour de Force read more
  • 23 March - 2 April: Tobias Zielony (DE) Al-Akrab read more
  • 13 April - 23 April: Louis Henderson (GB) - Black Code/Code Noir read more
  • 27 April - 30 April: Sebastian Brameshuber (AT) - In, Over & Out read more 

EXTRA! Pizza + Film: On Wednesday 9/03, 23/03, 13/04 & 27/04 we organise a collective viewing moment. We introduce the film and provide food. Feet under the table, eyes on the screen. Totally free! 

About Beursschouwburg

Beursschouwburg is a multidisciplinary center for arts and reflection, an open meeting place strongly anchored in Brussels’ reality. Here we embrace the local, the global and the glocal. 

Beursschouwburg functions as a platform to present and develop a wide array of art practices and research, as a  support and experimentation network for artists, collectives and thinkers; a hub that questions normativity and welcomes new narratives.

Together with collaborators, we co-create programs that ignite fruitful encounters between different audiences, forms and genres, between art and everyday life, between the emerging and the established, between urgency and joy.

Auguste Ortsstraat 20-28
1000 Brussel