The Kids Are All Right - Opening Weekend 2 & 3 October
A programme on generations, family ties and legacy
theatre - dance - visual arts - film & video - debates & topicality - music - party
This fall, we give the stage to artists who think about (their) family ties, we are curious about the usual generation gaps, invite artistic families and search for the things that one generation leaves behind for the generation that follows.
With e.g. Sachli Gholamalizad , Meggy Rustamova, P.A.R.T.S., Sarah Vanagt, Sirah Foigel Brutman & Eitan Efrat, Pauline Oliveros and many, many more...
We have just finished celebrating our 50th anniversary. It was a beautiful year with a wonderful celebration for both familiar and new faces. What a pleasure it was to see all of those ‘Beursschouwburg generations’ together under the same roof.
It even brought a question to mind: what happens when multiple generations come together in one place, live together in one city, survive in the same world? What’s it like to age in Brussels, a city that keeps on getting younger? Or what’s it like to watch your children grow up in a country with a different culture than the one you grew up in? And how do young people react to our city?
Even though we’ve existed for 50 years, we’re here for a young audience. Young in spirit, that is. We’re all set with a programme composed with and for people who are younger than ever. In collaboration with e.g. the Brussels youth theatre BRONKS, JES (Jeugd en Stad - Youth and City) and P.A.R.T.S. .
Let’s search for all the meanings of The Kids Are All Right together. After all, an interesting programme doesn’t come into existence on its own, but finds a way into the heads of many different visitors.
Programme opening weekend 2 & 3 October:
FRIDAY 2 October
17:00 - Beurskafee open + mural by Denie Put (BE)
19:00 - Vernissage solo exhibition Meggy Rustamova (BE/GE/AS) - Observations
This year, we give Meggy Rustamova (°1985) carte blanche. She lived in Tbilisi, Georgia, until she was eight, and then moved to Belgium with her mother. Her work – videos, performances, installations with a deeper poetic layer – perfectly matches the generational and familial themes we delve into in The Kids Are All Right. more
19:00 - Vernissage Mario Pfeifer (DE) - Approximation in the digital age to a humanity condemned to disappear (loopend screening in Black Box)
Approximation is set on Shunuko, an island known today as Isla Navarino, located in the southernmost parts of Patagonia, Chile. For four months, Mario Pfeifer observed the Yaghan, a people who first settled in that region thousands of years ago. more
19:00 - Daniel Hellmann (CH/DE) - Full Service
Do you have a specific wish, a need, a desire? Two performers are ready to provide any service you may desire – immediately and on-site. more
20:30 - Davis Freeman (BE/US) - Fathers & Sons PREMIERE
Imagine having one moment where you could say anything you want to your parents. To truly say what you think of them. The good the bad even the ugly, and they could also say anything they want about you with no repercussions. This is Fathers & Sons. A moment where two families lay all their cards on the tables and you are the witnesses. more
20:30 - concert DENGUE FEVER (US/KH)
Khmer pop & psycho rock! more
12:00 - solo expo Meggy Rustamova - Observations
+Mario Pfeifer - Approximation in the digital age to a humanity condemned to disappear (loopend screening in Black Box)
14:00 - Decap Thé Dansant
Saturday afternoon, we dance during a thé dansant, organ sounds directed by punched cards. Bring all your children, your flexible parents, your neighbours, aunts and uncles and great-grandparents. Everybody on the dance floor! - Free!
19:00 - Daniel Hellmann - Full Service
20:30 - Davis Freeman - Fathers & Sons
22:00 - Decap Beat Machine - Nuit Blanche
The full programme of The Kids Are All Right is available on our website. Below you'll find some hightlights.
As usual, we provide an extensive side-programme, in line with the programma: a bingo-afternoon, a tea dance for all ages during the opening weekend, a talent-show for everyone aged between 0 and 100 (bring o, your Pagannini-baby's and yoga-grannies) and, top of the bill, The future takes over an artistic holiday camp for teenagers.
PERFORMING ARTS (hightlights):
The full programme is available here
Fr 23 & Sa 24 October - 20:30
Sachli Gholamalizad - A Reason To Talk (English version)
Sachli Gholamalizad was born in Iran and fled to Belgium with her family when she was five years old. In A reason to talk, she searches for an explanation for the difficult relationship with her mother. more
Beursschouwburg <3 BRONKS
Fr 6 & Sa 7 november
19:00 @ BRONKS
Britt Hatzius (DE/UK) - BLIND CINEMA - In BLIND CINEMA, a grownup audience sits blindfolded in the darkness of a movie theatre. Children sitting behind them describe the film which only they can see, whispering in the ears of the adults sitting in front of them. Accompanied by the soundtrack, the children’s description is a fragile but brave attempt to put into words what they see. more21:00 @ Beursschouwburg
Ula Sickle (CA/PL)/kleinVerhaal - Voor Ons / Pour Nous - Canadian-Polish choreographer and performer Ula Sickle lives and works in Brussels. She makes films, installations, live performances. Last year, she created the dance performance Voor ons in collaboration with the social-artistic organisation kleinVerhaal bij de Grote Post in Ostend. more
VISUAL ARTS: Meggy Rustamova (BE/GE/AS) - Observations
3 October through 28 November, We - Sa, 12:00 - 18:00 (Sa 13:00 - 19:00). Vernissage: 2 October, 19:00.
This year, we give Meggy Rustamova (°1985) carte blanche. She lived in Tbilisi, Georgia, until she was eight, and then moved to Belgium with her mother. Her work – videos, performances, installations with a deeper poetic layer – perfectly matches the generational and familial themes we delve into in The Kids Are All Right. The presence of Rustamova’s mother in the video M.A.M. (My Assyrian Mother) will meander through the expo, together with chronicles about fictional characters she wrote herself and with photographic sound installations.
For Rustamova, the observation and content analysis of the images is quintessential. She searches for stories – with a touch of absurd humour and a hint of melancholy – that float between imagination and reality. She creates a universal tale, shown through visual metaphors. She does so in a multifaceted way, without focusing on merely one medium. more
Fr 2 October throught Sa 28 November - We - Sa: 12:00 - 22:00 (Sa from 13:00)
The full programme is available here - free
In the tiniest space in Beursschouwburg, we show a different film each week. You can watch al the movies for free and without making a reservation. Descend into our catacombs. Every movie deals with the same theme (generations, family ties) and investigates ‘legacy’ in a more ethnographic context. Inheritances, traditions, rituals, special family histories and stories are dealt with, and also the transmittance of knowledge in small communities (or very large ones) and the view of a young generation opposed to that of an older one.
! EXTRA !: PIZZA + FILM: Each Wednesday at 8 pm, we organise a collective viewing moment. We invite an expert to introduce the film (the expert is picked according to the subject of the film) and provide pizza. Feet under the table, eyes on the screen!
The full programme is available here
Sarah Vanagt - De Ontwaring (PREMIERE) & In Waking hours
Thursday 22 October - 20:30
Brussels filmmaker Sarah Vanagt composes a film programme with two of her most recent short films, topped with an invisible thieve and some bewitching eggs from the early days of film. More
Gerard-Jan Claes - Itinerary of a Ciné-Child: On Cinema at the Cinema (marathon)
Thursday 19 November - 17:00
On Cinema at the Cinema is Adult Swim's finest authority on film, comparable in both content and depth to the great French film magazines of yesteryear.
Host Tim Heidecker (of Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!) and recurring guest Gregg Turkington illuminate which of the latest films are must-sees, which are unofficial sequels to unrelated films, and which aren't worthy of your time on a scale of one to five bags of popcorn. more